Koi Fish Photos AbstractFine Art Koi Fish Photos Koi fish gliding gracefully in a pond.Tahnia RobertsSeptember 17, 2020
Jackfruit Seeds with Fuzzy Mold AbstractFine Art Jackfruit Seeds with Fuzzy Mold Close-up study of delicate mold formations.Tahnia RobertsSeptember 15, 2020
Pareidolia Mushroom Photographs AbstractPareidolia Pareidolia Mushroom Photographs Mushroom pareidolia effect experiment.Tahnia RobertsSeptember 10, 2020
Fine Art Photos of Spheres AbstractFine Art Fine Art Photos of Spheres Sphere-shaped objects.Tahnia RobertsSeptember 4, 2020
Mannequin Model Portraits AbstractPortraiture Mannequin Model Portraits Mannequin portrait study.Tahnia RobertsJuly 9, 2020
Tactile Found Objects Abstract Tactile Found Objects A piece of coral, a bird feather, hex bolt and nut.Tahnia RobertsJuly 2, 2020